Ellsworth Place, a retail and entertainment center in Silver Spring, MD is welcoming two new tenants this year, DSW and Commas Food Hall.

“We really feel that DSW is a good addition to the tenant lineup that we have in place at Ellsworth Place. Ellsworth is an extremely unique retail asset that gives larger format retail tenants the opportunity to be in a thriving urban setting such as Silver Spring,” says Trey Culpepper, VP at GBT Realty Corp.

“Commas is going to be a food hall with 13 to 14 merchant stalls where patrons can come and sample bites from all types of ethnic backgrounds,” says Culpepper. “We’re partnering with Cana Development for this project. They’ve launched several extremely successful food halls throughout the D.C. metro area and across the United States. Cana goes into markets and finds local operators that have gathered a strong clientele base.”

DSW will open this month in a 17,500 square-foot space at the mixed-use development on Level 4. The food hall, Commas, will occupy a 13,000 square foot space on Level 3 later this year. Jonathan Garritt, Andrew Segall, and Rich Sutphin from Segall Group represented the landlord, GBT Realty Corporation.


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